10 Crucial Spa Policies and Procedures for Employees

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If you’re the owner of a spa, it’s important to have spa policies and procedures for your employees. They function as a framework for how employees are expected to conduct themselves while on the job, and can safeguard you against unwanted or unexpected situations that can affect your business.

While establishing these policies and procedures isn’t exactly the most exciting part of owning a spa, they will create an atmosphere where each employee knows the rules and how to act — both with clients and with their colleagues. Having spa policies and procedures in place will not only enable you to navigate tricky situations when they occur, but also minimize the chances of such situations happening in the first place.
Policies and procedures should be written down and provided to each employee upon hiring. It’s also a good idea to have a lawyer review your spa policies and procedures, as employment laws vary from state to state, and you’ll want to make sure you’re operating your business on the right side of the law.

10 Spa Policies and Procedures for Employees Every Spa Should Implement

Wondering what employee policies you should establish in your spa? Here are 10 that are vital for making sure your business runs smoothly.

  • Employees are expected to arrive at work on time.
  • Employees who use drugs or alcohol while at work will be dismissed.
  • Employees must maintain a clean and professional appearance while on the job.
  • Workspaces and common areas are to be kept clean.
  • Employees are permitted to use their cell phones only while on break.
  • Employees should not come to work while sick.
  • Employees should be polite and friendly to clients. Arguing with clients is not permitted. If a disagreement with a client occurs, management should be notified.
  • Employees are expected to attend all team meetings and training sessions.
  • Employees who steal spa property or property belonging to other staff or clients will be dismissed.
  • Employees who discriminate against or harass other staff or clients will be dismissed.

Other Policies Your Spa Should Consider Implementing

Of course, the above list is just a start — here are some other policies your spa should consider implementing:

  • Recruitment policy
  • Internet, social media, and email policy
  • Non-smoking policy
  • Health and safety policy
  • Grievance handling policy
  • Discipline and termination policy

Spa policies and procedures should also be reviewed on a regular basis and updated or replaced when necessary. Policies and procedures may also need to be updated due to changes in employment laws.
While establishing policies and procedures isn’t fun, it’s a necessary part of owning any small business. Once they are in place, you can rest easy knowing that you have a plan to deal with many of the most common disruptions and stressful situations that may occur in the workplace.
Having spa policies and procedures will allow you to keep your business running smoothly — so you can focus on making your clients happy. If you have specific questions about policies and procedures for your spa, do not hesitate to reach out to NewMed Concepts.