You’ve Made Some Local Business Connections… But How Do You Strengthen Them?

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As a business owner, you know networking is important. You’ve spent time increasing your social media connections. You signed up for and attended all the right virtual industry events this past year. And if you’ve been following NewMed Concepts’ advice, you’ve reached out to local businesses to collaborate on promotions.

But then what? You probably intuitively understand that making an initial connection is just the first step to forging a real and profitable local network… but sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next.

In this post, we’re going to offer several easily actionable items that you can incorporate into your monthly networking plans to continue building on your connections!

Evaluate Each Network Connection

As you track your contacts internally, make detailed notes. It is important to think about what this relationship could mean for your business. Remember, every network connection is different. For instance, sometimes we are the teacher, and sometimes we are a student.

Over time, your relationship even tends to shift. But right now, ask yourself what you hope to achieve from connecting with this person or business, and what you can offer in return.

That way, when an opportunity comes up, the right person to share it with pops into your mind as well. In the meantime, you can continue to foster those relationships in a number of ways.

Strengthen Current Network Connections

Just like any other relationship, strengthening your network connections requires good listening and good follow-up. At its core, each action item below has to do with either learning about others and what they want to do with their business — or following up on what you’ve learned.

  • When working on promotions together, be sure to stay in close contact throughout the planning and execution process.
  • Remember both their personal and business interests. When you see an interesting media article come up, for example, send it along. This will mean something to them!
  • If someone you’re networking with shared a business challenge with you, scan your own network for a possible solution. Connect them with others if you know they could help.
  • Vice-versa, when there’s someone in your network you genuinely think could help or put you in contact with someone who could help you with a business challenge, don’t be afraid to ask!
  • Be generous with your gratitude. From a handwritten thank-you note to treating someone to lunch, let your connections know you appreciate their time, their opinion, and their knowledge.
  • Wherever you have common interests, give (and ask for) updates!

Call NewMed Concepts to Help Build Your Beauty Network

The list above is just a start for ideas on building lifelong connections in your local market spa network. There are a thousand ways to stay in touch with like-minded spa and esty professionals, and NewMed Concepts can help you find the right ones for your business.

If you are a spa or esty professional who needs help organizing your network connections or creating a tailored plan for how to continue strengthening them, reserve a half-hour with Gayle and get a head start!

Contact Gayle