Educating Your Clients About Acne

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Many people associate acne with puberty, but as an esthetician, you know that adults can get it, too! But what causes whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples may change as people age.

Hormones, diet, and the skincare products you use all contribute to the production of excess oil and bacteria that leads to acne. Smoking and alcohol consumption may also lead to increased risks for adult acne.

One of the biggest myths in the skincare world is that adults with acne should avoid moisturizers or oil-based products. In fact, for many, the opposite is true.

Why? Because acne may be caused by excess oil that is produced naturally as a response to a dry complexion.

In order to figure out the best skincare routine for your client, you may want to suggest that they use a minimal amount of product and see how their skin reacts.


Different Types of Adult Acne

At times, it seems like acne has a mind of its own. What may work for one client could be disastrous for another. That is because there are four categories for adult acne:

  • Grade 1/Mild: Open Comedones (more commonly known as whiteheads/blackheads)
  • Grade 2/Moderate: Open and Closed Comedones/ Some Papulopustules
  • Grade 3/Severe: Pustular Acne
  • Grade 4/Cystic: Nodulocystic Acne


The best treatments will depend on the type of acne your client suffers from. Use this downloadable PDF to make sure your clients are doing everything they can to prevent adult acne.

These items are simply suggestions and may require some experimentation or adjustments depending on your lifestyle.